Divorce and Family Law Attorney San Antonio TX

Dealing with a divorce or child custody issue can be challenging and confusing. The decisions you make can have long term effects on the lives of you and your loved ones. If you are facing a difficult family law situation, having an experienced and compassionate advocate on your side is critical to getting the best possible outcome for you and your family.

Dedicated and Effective Attorneys in San Antonio, TX

Yusuf Ross Law, PLLC is dedicated to providing high quality, effective legal services at a time when you cannot afford to have anything less. Regardless of whether we are negotiating your case in preparation of settlement or passionately representing your interests in court, the focus remains on helping you obtain long term, practical solutions tailored to meet your personal, financial, and emotional needs.

Why Choose Yusuf Ross Law in San Antonio, TX

Emily Ross family law attorney San Antonio TX.
  • Dedicated

    Dedicated to providing you with the utmost care and attention.

  • Practical

    Committed to finding real world solutions to real world problems.

  • Effective

    Tirelessly working to get you the results you need and deserve.

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    Compassionate and Confident Legal Representation

    Family law matters often involve sensitive and emotionally charged issues that need to be handled with care and confidence. Your family law attorney should have the appropriate experience, knowledge, and resources to know how to preserve and protect your rights, while helping you navigate any challenges that may arise. Contact Yusuf Ross Law, PLLC if you need representation for a divorce, child support enforcement or modification, child custody, adoption, or any other family law matter in San Antonio, Texas. We will be with you every step of the way to serve your needs efficiently and effectively.

    Family Law Attorney Common Sense Approach

    Beginning with the initial consultation, your attorney should be working with you to develop an action plan designed to accomplish your goals and eliminate to the greatest extent possible unnecessarily expensive and wasteful or time-consuming tasks.

    With Yusuf Ross Law, PLLC, you can expect:

    • An understanding of your circumstances and goals
    • A thorough case analysis
    • The development and frequent reassessment of the case strategy as facts and circumstances change
    • Realistic advice and guidance
    • Consistent communication and transparency during all stages of your case

    A vast majority of cases settle without going to trial either through an informal negotiation between the parties or through a formal negotiation process called mediation, whereby the parties attempt to negotiate a settlement with the help of a neutral third party. Settlement is not only less expensive and stressful than having a trial, it also allows you and your spouse or co-parent to develop creative, tailored “outside the box” solutions that would be difficult or impossible to achieve in a trial by judge or jury. While generally your attorney should make all reasonable efforts to resolve your case without going to trial, not all cases can or should settle; your San Antonio family law attorney should not only know how to effectively negotiate your case outside of court, but also zealously advocate for you and your interests in court.


    “Emily Ross represented me in both my divorce and modification lawsuits and I was extremely pleased with the services provided. This process is never easy, but throughout the entirety of both cases I knew that she was looking out for me at all times. Never did I feel that I was just a dollar sign to her, which mattered incredibly during such an emotionally (and financially!) draining time. I would happily recommend Emily to anyone that finds themselves in need of an attorney to represent you in the family courts.”


    “Emily and her team provided excellent counsel and service while going through a difficult divorce. Emily is responsive, professional and does not miss any details. I highly recommend her and her firm.”

    Effective Advocacy and Assistance with All Aspects of Divorce

    As your divorce attorney in San Antonio, TX, we are here to support you and to help you navigate all aspects of your case.

    Temporary Orders before Final Orders

    Temporary orders are designed to preserve the status quo and protect the parties, property, and children from the time a divorce is requested to the time it is finalized and your divorce is granted. Temporary orders allocate between the parties temporary rights and obligations as it relates to pressing issues that need to be addressed early on, such as the care, visitation, and support of the children, control over property, and payment of bills. We help you determine whether your family will need temporary orders and what issues to address to best protect you, your assets, and your children.

    Property Division

    In a divorce, the assets owned by you and your spouse must be identified, valued, and allocated amongst each spouse. Texas is a community property state, meaning that, except for separate property, each spouse jointly owns all assets acquired or created during the marriage by either spouse, regardless of which spouse earned the asset or who is identified as the named owner of the asset. Likewise, and depending on the debt, each spouse may be held jointly responsible for a debt that either spouse incurred. In a divorce, community property and the parties’ debts are subject to a “just and right” division. Courts look at a variety of factors to determine a just and right division. For example, some of the factors a court will assess include, but are not limited to, each party’s need for support and relative educational and financial positions, whether either party is at fault for the breakup of the marriage, the length of the marriage, and the type of property involved. We assist in applying these factors to help develop a property division that is equitable and protects your financial future.

    Spousal Maintenance

    If you meet certain criteria and the assets received by you upon the divorce are not sufficient to meet your minimum reasonable needs, you may be entitled to receive spousal maintenance (often commonly referred to in other states as “alimony”) for a period of time after your divorce is final. We will identify and effectively advocate your need for maintenance to allow for a more successful and peaceful transition to your post-divorce life.

    Family Law Attorney San Antonio – Uncontested Divorce

    An uncontested divorce is one where you and your spouse have reached an agreement on all issues affecting either your person, your property, and/or your children, and you need an attorney simply to help you formalize your agreement. Even after having worked everything out amongst yourselves, an experienced attorney should serve to prepare the petition for divorce, divorce decree, and identify and prepare any other documents that accurately represents your agreement and finally resolves all issues. We can help you get it right the first time in a cost-effective manner by preparing and filing the necessary documents for you.

    Trusted Assistance in Child Custody Matters

    Issues affecting children are often the most emotionally charged and contested areas of any case. Rest assured that the firm is experienced in all areas of child custody law and can help you navigate this difficult and stressful process.

    Child Custody and Visitation

    Texas law presumes that it is in the children’s best interest for parents who act in their best interest to share in the rights and duties of raising them. This shared legal custody arrangement is called joint managing conservatorship and addresses such issues as with whom the child will primarily live and how or who will make decisions affecting the children, such as medical or educational decisions. Generally, a custody arrangement will also provide provisions for physical custody, known as a possession and access, or visitation, schedule, to allow both parents to share in spending time with the children. However, shared does not mean equal when it comes to legal or physical custody, and in divorces or cases involving children, custody and visitation issues can become complicated due to high emotions and other factors that can make reaching an agreement difficult or even impossible. We examine every situation carefully to help you seek an arrangement that’s in the best interest of your children while protecting your rights and obligations as a parent or caregiver.

    Child Support

    While child support is typically set based on guidelines under Texas law, your child custody attorney should be able to identify when your situation warrants looking beyond the guidelines and advocating for something different and tailored to your needs. Generally, each parent will be obligated in some way to provide for child and/or medical support (coverage for and payment of health and dental insurance) of the children. How that will be allocated will depend on a variety of factors, including which parent will be named the primary caretaker, each parent’s income and ability to provide child and medical support, and the child’s needs.

    Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorney San Antonio TX

    While you’re dealing with the emotional toll of your divorce or custody issue, you need an attorney who can be your voice through the legal process and who has the common sense and good judgment required to help you make smart, practical decisions, and the experience necessary to fiercely advocate your interests.

    If you find yourself needing a family law attorney in San Antonio TX, contact Yusuf Ross Law, PLLC to discuss your situation. Call our San Antonio, TX law firm today at (210) 985-1230 to schedule an initial consultation.